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Welcome to the Pleasant Grove Middle School Library! I am Miss Kelly, your Library/ Media Coordinator. The Library is open before school, during break and lunches, and after school. I'm here to help you check out books, check out Chromebooks for overnight homework use and any other help you need. You can also come hang out, play games, work on a community puzzle, or try your hand at one of the library challenges to win prizes! We have a new challenge each month along with PLINKO for IXL, and AR quizes. Don't forget, we have a VIP Pumas Read Millions Club, so take those quizes!
 The Library is Open! Come on In!
25 min. before start of school
During break
During lunch
After school until 3:30 p.m.
Wednesday only - library closes at 2:30 p.m.
Subject to change without notice.

Miss Kelly's Virtual Library
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February Library Challenge
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Upcoming Library Events
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February Library Challenge
  • Blind Date with a Book - Rate Your Date 
Book Club 
  • Thursday, February 20th during lunch
February Closures
  • Tuesday, February 11th Library Closed all day
  • Friday, February 14th - Monday, February 17th Closed for Presidents Day
Subject to change - will post closures as soon as possible.

Curate A Collection!
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Got an interesting collection at home? Rocks, bottle caps, rubber ducks, band t-shirts? The library now has a rotating student collection! You can display your (appropriate) items from home for one month in a secure locked cabinet for the school to see. Send me an email describing your collection for approval and dates. No weapons,

Student Collection DisplayTop of Page

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Placing A Library Book On Hold
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Students can choose a library book in person OR place a library book on hold through the Pleasant Grove Library Catalog.  The following is a step-by-step guide to show you how to place a library book on hold. 
From home - use the Pleasant Grove website
Click on the “Students” tab
  • then “Student Resources”
  • then “Follett Destiny”
 Under “Middle School” click “Pleasant Grove Middle School”
  • Upper right hand corner click “Log In”
Log in using user name and password.  Your name should appear in the upper right hand corner next to “Log Out.”
Using library search you can search by title, subject, keyword, author, or series.  Look each book over by clicking on the title.  Be sure and look to the far right to make sure there is at least “1 of 1 available.”  If the book you want says, “0 of 1 available” the book is not available for check out.
When you locate the library book you want, click on the title.  To the far right of the title you will see a button that says, “Hold It.”  Once you click this button you will get a prompt that says, “Hold request for (title).”  Please note you will only be able to place two books on hold at a time.  Make sure you chose books you want to read by looking at the book description as well as the book subjects under “Explore!”
Once you have placed a hold, no one else can check it out during the hold period (10 days).  Make sure you know the call number so you can locate your library book, when you stop by the library.     

Overdue Library Books and Fines
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Library books are checked out for (3) weeks.  To avoid a library fine you need to return or renew before the end of your five day grace period. It only takes a minute to drop off or renew your library book. So, don't let an overdue library book or fine stop you from participating in fun school activities such as rally's, dances, talent shows, and end of the year activities.

REMEMBER:  Per the Student/Parent Handbook, students with overdue library books or library fines will not be allowed to participate in extra-curricular activities which include athletic events, dances, field trips and assemblies.  

Please send me an email to suggest new library books . . .Top of Page

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