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The Wellness Center is open with limited capacity!  
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The Wellness Center is located in an extra room adjacent to the school's library. This is a space that is open to all students for all three grades of lunches. The students can use this space to get a break from friend drama, have a safe space to relax, practice mindfulness skills, have a comfortable place to go at lunchtime, and have the ability to access the school counselor without disrupting their class time.  
The main purpose of the room is to make sure all students have a space they feel welcomed and they belong here on campus especially during lunchtime. The furnishing items used in the room are designed to be calming and therapeutic in nature. Many furnishings have been carefully selected to mimic nature such as plants, fountains, and lighting covers.  Items have been selected for their sensory and self-calming effects and the ability to create an environment of relaxation.
The Wellness Center will be a supportive therapeutic environment that assists students in their self-calming efforts by offering an environment of relaxation here on campus.
The Pleasant Grove Wellness Center was made possible by the generation funding from the Latrobe Foundation and assistance from the El Dorado Community Foundation

Wellness Center CalendarTop of Page

  • Wellness Center Calander

Hours OpenTop of Page

The Wellness Center is open on Mondays and Fridays during the last 30 minutes of all 3 lunches.